Sunday, February 17

Sunday morning with my Kindle

H'mm. A little content re-purposing may be in order today, but the BMGS thrives! I've been healthy as a horse for four days now, and finally I have the confidence to (1) hit the gym today, probably to coincide with the NBA all-star game, (2) venture beyond the minimum daily work requirements, and (3) email my daughter to try to reschedule the breakfast I had to cancel last week lest I pass my germs to her! Onward!

It just hasn't made any sense to track calories and weight during 3+ weeks of being sick, but the "skinny" above is accurate: It is February 17, and I weight 233, or 40.5 pounds less than when I began this 170 days ago!

Posted this morning to my AmazonConnect blog:

I don't know if it gets any better than a Sunday morning that starts with reading the Times on my Kindle, picking at a fruit and cheese plate, and sipping a venti Verona. But that may be more of a comment on me and my choices than anything else. In any case, I made notes on a few things that seemed worthy of sharing here:

* For people who create, or those who think at all about what it is that connects creative types with audience, somewhere near the nexus of culture and commerce, I recommend a piece in (of all places) the Business section of today's Times, entitled "The Power of Whimsy." It is written by Phyllis Korkki and profiles the remarkable "career" of Sandra Boynton. Boynton (in the music studio with songwriting partner Mike Ford in the photo at left) is especially blessed both because she is endowed with multiple creative talents, rather than just one such as writing or painting or playing blues harmonica, and because she is one of those rare creative talents who is not inhibited or otherwise crippled as an entrepreneur. I find it inspiring when the creative class "gets it" about the fact that we can be the masters of our own commerce rather than sitting back and depending upon commercial gatekeepers who do not have a creative bone in their bodies. I know, that's a little harsh. Shut my mouth.

* Here's a tip for Kindle readers and Kindle writers, if you haven't picked up on this already. One of the potentially cool and powerful features of the Kindle is that it allows anyone who has purchased a book or article on the Kindle to automatically receive the freshest version of that title, if it has been updated. All you have to do is go to Your Media Library in your Amazon account, click on the "Downloads" tab from the choices across the top, choose the title you want to refresh from those you have already purchased, and select the "Send wirelessly to your Kindle" button at the right. Presto, you have the new, improved version if there is one! The catch, of course, is that readers do not know when to seek out this refreshed content unless authors or publishers find a way to tell them. So, let me make a point here of asking: if you have purchased any titles from me and would like to get a heads up when an update is available, please shoot me an email at the email address below, tell me what title(s) you bought and anything else you want to tell me, and I will be sure to let you know if revisions are afoot! (Photo of Bhutanese tour guide Ugin Thien at right courtesy of Kindle owner Earl Crane and Chan Lieu.)

* Bookselling with the Kindle!!?? One thing that has surprised me is the number of Kindle owners who have bought the Kindle version of my 2002 book Selling Used Books Online: The Complete Guide to Bookselling at Amazon's Marketplace and Other Online Sites. I wonder who they are. To be more precise, I wonder if they are people who were already online booksellers who happened to buy a Kindle and decided to get the book, or if they were Kindle owners first who decided that, in keeping with the green-spiritedness of Kindle life, they should perhaps begin to recycle (by selling) some or all of their previously accumulated dead-tree libraries. Not to pigeion-hole anyone; obviously they could be both, or neither. But I am working on a couple of projects that are germane to these questions, and consequently I am inquisitve about who my Kindle readers may be: one is a revision of the book, over several months, and the other is an article specifically about the surprising usefulness of the Kindle for online booksellers. So, if you are interested in these projects, and would like a heads up when they are ready, please send me an email (address below) and, if applicable, satisfy my curiosity about whether you have bought either the Kindle or paper version of my bookselling book and, of course, why!

* If you were moved, as I was, by the story of change and healing that came out of Australia this week, it is possible that you will join me in enjoying this 1990 song by Archie Roach, "Took the Children Away."

Yours faithfully,