I doubt there is anything more lethally boring than a 50-something guy whining about his physical maladies. They bore me. Why shouldn't they bore you?
So all I shall say about this relentless low-energy aftermath to the stomach bug that I had over two weeks ago is that I have been to the gym once in the past 18 days. Ordinarily I go five times a week. I love to go to the gym. I have been a gym rat since I was 12 years old and I sent off to Sears Roebuck for my first set of weights. I have had plenty of time to go to the gym. But nope. Spirit said: let's go, Dad; Flesh said: forget it.
This too shall pass. I suppose it is good that my appetite had been no more present than my energy. Equilibrium. I am south of 235 again, and I haven't even had to count closely to know that I was well under my target of 1600 calories a day.
All around me good things are happening.
* The writer's strike is about to be over, formally speaking, and this is a good thing for my pal Steve Peterman, for my son the Hannah Montana fan, and for struggling writers everywhere who have been locked in their garrets by their long (three months!) suffering spouses and squeezes. It may mean fewer completed novels and less literate waitstaff in Los Angeles, but we can't have everything.
* My amazing daughter Adrienne will be choreographing and performing (with Jasmine Albuquerque, Sharyn Gabriel, and Mesha Kussman) a live show by the way-cooler-than-your-Daddy (or even Adrienne's Daddy) band Helios Jive this Saturday night at Lucent L'amour. Starts around midnight -- what, a little late for you, dude? -- with costumes by the lovely and multi-talented Erica Rice.
* Barack is streaking like the Celtics against the Western Conference. Okay, that may seem obscure. At this point it seems clear he will lead in delegates going into March, and any notion that Hillary will win comfortably in Texas now seems shaky indeed. These things become more important because of the potential for the most truly ugly convention in 40 years if Hillary is close enough to mount a floor fight to seat bogus delegates from Michigan and Florida, which she, Obama, and all the contendahs agreed months ago would not be in play because of those state's violations of the DNC rules. Nobody won any delegates there, and nobody should get any delegates. I sent $10 to Obama's campaign today. It was what I could do. If my Kindle titles keep selling I should be able to do a little more in the Fall, on this and all my other obligations.
* And yes, those Kindle titles are selling. 50 in December, 1500 in January, and over 110 a day so far in February. New excerpted chapters of the book on how to publish on the Kindle are going out to a growing number of pre-publication subscribers each week, and the project is firmly on schedule. Along the way, I am having great fun writing (and editing) on a catalog of topics almost as wide as my catalog of interests and preoccupations:
Vision and Revision in the Fiction of D.H. Lawrence: A Consideration of the Manuscript Development of Lady Chatterley's Lover (Harvard Perspectives in Literature) by Steve Holt and Stephen Windwalker (Kindle Edition - Feb 11, 2008)
From the Deity's Diary: October 17, 2004 - In which the “Curse of the Bambino" is explained and partisanship acknowledged by Stephen Windwalker (Kindle Edition - Feb 3, 2008)
And that's just a few of them!
For today's soundtrack, a wondrous collaboration of (at least) 3 angels:
I'm so thrilled at your successes on all fronts! The weight and writing and all those successes you don't share on this blog of course.
You say whining but not dining... do you got out to eat often? Other than the NYC vegan restaurants my daughter takes me to and the Garden Grille in Pawtucket, R.I., I am unable to really eat out without having to crossexamine the waitstaff and threaten them with my slow tortured demise should they get any dairy in my food. Much easier for me to stay home and cook.
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