Friday, May 15

On the run - Monday, September 17, 2007

Just a couple of quick things today.

· The coffee strategy seems to be working. I haven’t said to myself, “I am going to limit myself to x amount of coffee a day.” Instead, I’ve committed to going without sweeteners, and the result the last few days is that I am drinking significantly less. Coffee, that is. For instance, the venti breakfast coffee that I picked up on the way to the gym this morning? I am still sipping from it. Room-temperature coffee. Yum.

· In a comment I was asked how far I run when I run. The answer is not far. But it can usually be extrapolated from the info in the daily food and exercise log in the sidebar at the right. These days “running” for me tends to be at a leisurely 12 minute per mile clip, so if I say I ran 20 min at a 12:00 clip, that is 1 2/3 miles. Today I did 3 miles on the elliptical at the gym. 11 years ago I used to run 50 miles a week. Then I blew out my ankle and haven’t come anywhere near that since. Think it might have to do with my weight gain?

Well, that is all. Got to go pick up Danny and head to (his) karate class.

Monday's soundtrack -- an amazing anthem by Lindsey Buckingham:

"Countdown" by Lindsey Buckingham ... I'm off to the gym and will post later on today