I just returned from a morning sojourn to Starbucks and Whole Foods. Deborah made a great suggestion when we had breakfast a while back. She simply said that a great way to get the exercise we need is to leave the car alone when we can and build the exercise into our daily lives.
Like most of her suggestions, it works.
For me, the car is a bit like the coffee. I always have a million excuses why I need to drive. Just like I do with drinking coffee, I have a tendency to build my life around deadlines. I must finish so-and-so by noon or by midnight, or whatever time, and so I must drink another cup o’ Joe, and I must take the car when I go to the library.
I celebrated a couple of transitions in my life a little less than a year ago by buying myself a new 2007 Prius. I love it. I love to drive it. It gets to the point where it’s almost like I believe the goofy notion that the more I drive it, the more gas I will save. Silly me.
But the point is that it’s no way to live. We need exercise. We were born to exercise. We were not born to sit in automobiles. We were born to walk. We were ….
Okay, I’m sure you could see today’s soundtrack coming.
But it’s true.
Yesterday was a drizzly morning, and I went over to Mike’s Gym, joined, and got in my first gym workout since last Spring.
But today is a beautiful end-of-summer New England day, and I will be outside for exercise several times. Thanks, Deborah!
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