Thursday, October 25

On topic

Tomorrow will be 8 weeks since I started this, and it has gone better than I expected it would go. I was thinking last night after the little post about the Sox that I should probably be a little more disciplined about staying on topic. Maybe it is a fine line, because I do get some nice feedback about the tangents and I do think that the challenge of taking off this weight is, importantly, one that takes place in the overall context of this occasionally multi-dimensional life that I am living. But I'll try to make sure going forward that I focus at least partially on the specific effort to "get smaller" several times a week.

Meanwhile, just in case you just showed up and thought this was a blog about baseball or music or politics, I will take the liberty here of pasting links to my past posts in their original chronological order rather than the usual blog protocol of reverse order. I do like to write, don't I?

Even after all that, I still gotta have my music. Music gets me through so much, including this.

Thursday's Soundtrack

Warren Zevon, "Werewolves of London"

The mailbag

Got a nice email from my friend Ned with some good links, so I am excising a personal reference and reproducing it here....


The video of Bruce singing "We Shall Overcome" while we take a tour of the Katrina devastation led me to Google some sites.

What is being spent on Katrina relief

What could be spent on Katrina relief

What ACORN is doing now in the 9th ward:

A running tally of what the war in Iraq is costing:

As Garrison Keillor always says, "Be well, do good work and keep in touch," and as I would add
