Saturday, October 13

Creakiness and joy

Too beautiful out to go to the gym today, plus, the gym closes at 7, plus, my spirits needed a lift … so I have just returned from a nice jog to, around and from Fresh Pond.

Almost 2 minutes faster than the last time I did it a little over 3 weeks ago, so I am moving in the right direction. What a gorgeous day.

There was a high school cross-country meet taking place as I finished up. I noticed teams from BB&N, Tabor, and Vermont Academy, and hollered a few words of encouragement to the kids as they were heading toward the finish, as I usually do. Brought me back 40 years ago, and also 10 or 12 years ago when I used to root on my older daughter at her meets when she was at Milton Academy and Wellesley College.

This is the kind of day that makes running cross-country a total joy. For the BMGS, the joy was mixed with some creakiness, but I will still take it.