Thursday, July 23

Balance and another weekly weigh-in

Lots going on here in the land of BMGS:

  • a wonderful visit with Zach and Mary who came for blueberry pancakes and years of catching up on my pal's deck Tuesday morning,
  • preparing to move home and office the end of next week,
  • a mile in the pool last night,
  • nibbles from a traditional publisher on my Worried Citizen financial crisis book,
  • some serious work (and expenditure) to arrange my own financial life more beneficially for all concerned for the long haul,
  • daily life, which never lets up, and
  • Leonard Cohen reciting the sound and textual track of my life in the background.

Balance is not always at the top of my list in such times, but it should be, because it makes everything else possible.

And so, three days late, I have administered my weekly weigh-in, down from 249.2 to 248.4 in the 10 days since my last weigh-in, moving in the right direction even if I am 6 ounces behind schedule, and firm, at the very least, in my resolve to continue the BMGS 2.0 campaign's regimen of several days a week of swimming or other exercise and 2500 or fewer calories a day.