Friday, May 15

Tasting the coffee - Friday, September 14, 2007

I’ll keep this brief, since I’ve already spent some time figuring out how to add video. Time well spent, ain’t that the truth?

The scale is singing sweet nothings in my ear even after I had a nice steak dinner with a pal last night, Tennessee Ernie is finger-poppin’ on my blog, and I had a nice run around what used to be Radcliffe this morning.

But what’s on my mind this morning is coffee.

I’ve been drinking too much coffee. Not nearly as much as the 15 cups a day I used to inhale when I was in my 20s and early 30s, but 2 and 3 ventis a day, and sometimes 4, can’t be doing me any good.

I have a ton of excuses. It’s just like eating too much, there is a recurring auto-shuffle loop of reasons why I need more, yadda yadda yadda.

My work is constantly deadline driven, and I need the coffee to fuel the economics of my life. (Which wouldn’t need so much fuel if it weren’t for those Starbucks prices!)

Once or twice a week I make a long drive to a GA mtg and back, and coffee keeps me from trying to combine driving with sleeping.

Lots o’ excuses, but the bottom line is that I would be better off drinking half as much coffee.

So I’m going to take a small step and see how it works. For a long time I have used these hideous artificial sweeteners in my coffee. Worse than the coffee, I know, and if I didn’t know I would learn it from my sister Deborah, who is an excellent source of knowledge about food and supplements.

Now if the coffee at Starbucks is really so good that it justifies my paying a premium for it, why should I need sweetener?

So that’s where I am going with this. Starting with the run I just made to Starbucks, I am going to enjoy the taste of the coffee and skip the sweeteners. My thought is that this will probably make each coffee last longer and gradually decrease my yen, while perhaps increasing my dollars.

Sorry, I had to include the dumb pun.

Now ... a new feature! The soundtrack for today:

16 pounds... 16 tons ... who's counting?


thoughtz said...

A former co host of mine was a coffee addict and could never understand why anyone would put anything extra in coffee. He said to him it was like putting sugar iin orange juice. Black coffee is delish!