Thursday, May 28

Just like a government mule - Originally posted to BMGS 1.0 9.30.2007

I'd probably rather be having a beer for breakfast this morning than this huge cup of Starbucks house blend. And I 'm sure I'd rather be walking on a Sunday morning sidewalk than trying to finish 50 pages of web content about Information Technology programs and Distance Learning.

But we've gotta do what we've gotta do, so I go on working like a government mule.

When and if I finish I will catch up with my posting - but it's been a month now, and 22 pounds -- so onward I go. Maybe sometime soon I will set a goal.

I'm also looking foward to being back in touch with Ned and Nick -- you'd think it was Saturday night in South House and we were getting together to figure out how much beer to buy! Hopefully this evening.